Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finding Inspiration.... EVERYWHERE...

Today I am installing a new window display at Arboretum in Healdsburg, CA.  Arboretum is, hands down, my most favorite store in town! The clothes, besides being ethically made with the finest of organic  materials, their stuff just rocks.  Andi & Kate do such an amazing job of keeping the cutest, most fabulous frocks in store season after season.  So last week when Andi asked me if I was interested in putting something together for them............ I started thinking.... all I could come up with was......

 - summer
 - color
 - clothes
 - simplistic(ish) (as "simplistic" as anything I do can be)

.....and so I pondered and with no real quick frontrunners in the form of an idyllic summer window, I went out scavenging...searching....seeking inspiration..... and low and behold.... it found me!?!  Soooo... without giving too much away just yet... this was the treasure and the inspiration behind the new Arboretum window:

And as for my vintage costume jewelry "challenge".... Day 1, I kept it simple... I really am going to have to step-up my game though as the week progresses............

I know, I know... not really "doing it up" with my two Bakelite bracelets.... but I have 4 more days to get it to gaudy! Have a great day today-xo

1 comment:

  1. hey - i think you were wearing a brooch too! right???
